“Using large format 4x5 Ektachrome e100s, I have red-scaled this body of work using a pinhole camera and finally developed the images myself using trays and the c41 process.”
— Lorcan Gould:
“Whilst this project has been about experimental process, it has now developed into something more.
This project entails my fascination with passing of time and how thats presented within a still image.
The long exposures of pinhole cameras allow me to create ghostly figures that represent a space being used over a small amount of time and condensing that into one still image. A still time lapse in a way.
This project has been shot with my friend on the suffolk coast and taken alone at my home to show how they are used and presented. For example, the image featuring my bedroom raises questions of what happened within the timeframe of the long exposure, as there are the light trails and ghosts that can be seen throughout.”